Velocity Truck Centres offers a diverse line of Freightliner and Western Star vocational and highway trucks. Open seven days a week and leading with a customer first approach and a strong passion for our community, Lloydminster is your first choice for trained technicians, professional and transparent service, and an elite customer service experience as a DTNA Elite Support Dealer.
All repairs are done in-house by our passionate, certified technicians with access to parts inventory spread across North America. With the longest operating hours in the area, and an on-call mobile service unit, our team is ready to support you whenever you need.
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7 Days a Week: 7am – 6pm
Closed: Statutory Holidays
Brett Graham | Parts Manager | |
7 Days a Week: 7am – 6pm
Closed: Statutory Holidays
Tim Dyck | Service Manager | |
Loralyn Klassen | Warranty Current Coverage Inquiries | |
Ed Durocher | Purchase Extended Coverage | |
Monday – Saturday: 8am – 5pm
Sundays & Holidays: Closed
Sales Dept | | |
Crystal Baillie | Finance Manager | |
Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm
Christen Fox | Continuous Improvement Coordinator | |
Elite Support is a comprehensive network of dealers that are trained and certified to provide the highest level of knowledge, professionalism and service in the trucking industry. They are built around the idea that professional drivers work hard and their service network should too.
Elite Support Certified Dealers offer you a superior experience, in a consistent manner, at a good value, as validated by the customer. With every service, you will receive: Express Assessment, Factory-Trained Technicians, Robust Parts Inventory and so much more.